Amount of texts to »harp« 9, and there are 9 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 79 Characters
Average Rating 6.111 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Aug 8th 2000, 23:06:42 wrote
x about harp
Latest text on Apr 13th 2010, 16:52:09 wrote
postrophea about harp
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0)

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Harp«

Joelle wrote on Dec 26th 2001, 05:23:31 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

A harp speaks to its listener. It is the sound of a million voices all talking in unison, each making itself understood to the listener.

postrophea wrote on Apr 13th 2010, 16:52:09 about


Rating: 14 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Melinda lightly touched the strings. She loved playing at weddings even though she had to arrive hours early in order to tune her harp.

the old pirate wrote on Mar 16th 2001, 02:05:25 about


Rating: 7 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Another amazing fact we can't live without:

How many strings has a concert harp?

Answer: 47.

x wrote on Aug 8th 2000, 23:06:42 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

a harp can be very soothing in the hands of a woman, lest she be a bartender.

Some random keywords

Created on Oct 24th 2001, 12:23:19 by center, contains 13 texts

Created on Aug 19th 2000, 02:27:45 by sonja, contains 32 texts

Created on Aug 13th 2004, 12:03:08 by frais, contains 16 texts

Created on Jun 19th 2007, 01:26:38 by tullipan, contains 2 texts

Created on May 22nd 2000, 00:33:06 by Angel, contains 3 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on May 6th 2009, 22:18:20 by Hanno Nühm, contains 3 texts

Created on Feb 14th 2001, 17:28:32 by blubb, contains 19 texts

Created on Jun 27th 2001, 02:51:31 by arne, contains 46 texts

Created on Jul 18th 2002, 16:01:01 by humdinger, contains 8 texts

Created on Nov 27th 2005, 00:39:34 by mcnep, contains 8 texts

Created on Jan 7th 2006, 12:51:16 by mcnep, contains 4 texts

Created on May 25th 2008, 16:03:02 by adsurb, contains 3 texts

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