Amount of texts to »nightmare« 36, and there are 34 texts (94.44%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 308 Characters
Average Rating 2.222 points, 6 Not rated texts
First text on Apr 27th 2000, 09:40:15 wrote
nitehawk about nightmare
Latest text on Sep 24th 2018, 21:12:01 wrote
Reginald about nightmare
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 6)

on Jan 27th 2009, 19:44:12 wrote
el cojones about nightmare

on Sep 13th 2002, 21:05:25 wrote
Emma Example about nightmare

on Apr 16th 2002, 17:33:10 wrote
Jaime Fradera about nightmare

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Nightmare«

Bill Stuart wrote on Dec 21st 2003, 08:04:57 about


Rating: 20 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

In my worst nightmare i was being chased by something. The dream was almost completely black, only shadows and this creature after me. It chased me through a house and finally caught up with me. I was terrified as it spun me around.

When i looked at its face, it was my own.

sara the mac wrote on Aug 27th 2000, 08:46:13 about


Rating: 7 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

she was sleek and black and faster than she had a right to be. i buried my face in her mane and let her carry me thru the tongues of fire and reaching demon hands. in the morning i awoke with my eyes gritty and the taste of copper in my mouth. she was gone, of course, and so were the flames and the demons. i stood up slowly, prepared to be bored.

nitehawk wrote on Apr 27th 2000, 10:01:17 about


Rating: 5 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I can't put it any better than Blackie did.

"Touch that remote and you die! Now that I've got your attention, here's the deal. See those two people? That's Frank, and that's Fay. Strangers when they met, turns out
they've got a lot in common. Both died on the same night, both ended up in the same body of water, and both took refuge in the same all-night cafe. Me, I run the place.
Name's Blackie. Been here from the beginning. Now, I know I said Frank and Fay were dead, but the cafe needed a new cook and waitress, so it gave them a second
chance at life. They do their job, they get to stick around and help unsuspecting customers turn their lives around. 'Course, anything can happen to those who wander in -
their worst nightmares, or their forbidden dreams. Yeah, it all happens this little place we call the Nightmare Cafe."

Some random keywords

Created on Dec 11th 2001, 16:48:38 by mirror, contains 10 texts

Created on Sep 23rd 2000, 16:59:21 by plasticflesh, contains 8 texts

Created on Oct 17th 2000, 06:47:27 by filch, contains 8 texts

Created on Jan 11th 2002, 05:50:48 by francis, contains 12 texts

Created on Apr 5th 2001, 23:02:24 by nOvJuL, contains 7 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jun 27th 2005, 00:12:04 by FlaschBier, contains 3 texts

Created on Jun 23rd 2003, 23:12:07 by radon, contains 18 texts

Created on Jun 19th 2001, 15:40:19 by Alfred Bayer, contains 31 texts

Created on Jan 10th 2018, 16:53:06 by Rolf, contains 14 texts

Created on Aug 30th 2002, 21:23:45 by elfboi, contains 27 texts

Created on Mar 26th 2003, 19:08:53 by BBC, contains 18 texts

Created on Nov 25th 2012, 18:01:17 by Der Geist den Alvar rief, contains 3 texts

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