Amount of texts to »so« 26, and there are 23 texts (88.46%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 224 Characters
Average Rating 2.500 points, 5 Not rated texts
First text on Mar 28th 2001, 06:26:44 wrote
George about so
Latest text on Oct 28th 2015, 16:14:56 wrote
Carolyn Stewart about so
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 5)

on Dec 21st 2006, 12:11:46 wrote
miguel about so

on Sep 13th 2002, 23:20:35 wrote
miles about so

on Nov 9th 2002, 01:23:01 wrote
aL zYMa KiOSK about so

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »So«

Aunt Mabel wrote on Apr 30th 2001, 09:29:53 about


Rating: 22 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

So you sit, like Jupiter on Olympus, and look down from afar upon men's life. The city is as silent as a city of the dead: from all its humming thoroughfares, not a voice, not a footfall, reaches you upon the hill. The sea-surf, the cries of plough-men, the streams and the mill-wheels, the birds and the wind, keep up an animated concert through the plain; from farm to farm, dogs and crowing cocks contend together in defiance; and yet from this Olympian station, except for the whispering rumour of a train, the world has fallen into a dead silence, and the business of town and country grown voiceless in your ears. A crying hill-bird, the bleat of a sheep, a wind singing in the dry grass, seem not so much to interrupt, as to accompany, the stillness; but to the spiritual ear, the whole scene makes a music at once human and rural, and discourses pleasant reflections on the destiny of man. The spiry habitable city, ships, the divided fields, and browsing herds, and the straight highways, tell visibly of man's active and comfortable ways; and you may be never so laggard and never so unimpressionable, but there is something in the view that spirits up your blood and puts you in the vein for cheerful labour.

Robert Louis Stevenson, Notes on Edinburgh

kokuten wrote on Sep 3rd 2001, 22:37:34 about


Rating: 4 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

so i would like a big peanut butter sandwich, with an apple o n t h e s i d e. and a large glass of milk. please. and a bar of chocolate just to be on the safe side.

Some random keywords

Created on Jul 24th 2000, 23:59:07 by alex, contains 3 texts

Created on May 1st 2004, 07:21:02 by agnes, contains 6 texts

Created on Feb 18th 2001, 07:21:14 by Korrosiv, contains 19 texts

Created on Jan 3rd 2005, 19:35:48 by macaroni, contains 2 texts

Created on Apr 5th 2004, 11:03:15 by boyboy, contains 12 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Feb 17th 2000, 23:19:24 by Pac-man, contains 34 texts

Created on Mar 27th 2001, 22:17:54 by Sadhus, contains 358 texts

Created on Jan 1st 2011, 07:32:44 by Blaster-Leser, contains 4 texts

Created on Sep 8th 2008, 01:27:22 by Vermüller, contains 5 texts

Created on Feb 21st 2005, 22:55:09 by Kalpalang, contains 3 texts

Created on Apr 23rd 2006, 22:20:43 by wauz, contains 3 texts

Created on Oct 18th 2003, 22:12:32 by mcnep, contains 4 texts

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