Amount of texts to »soccer« 5, and there are 5 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 171 Characters
Average Rating 1.400 points, 3 Not rated texts
First text on May 4th 2003, 09:53:47 wrote
Jared Sommers about soccer
Latest text on Jul 31st 2005, 12:42:09 wrote
Stefan Zisoff about soccer
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 3)

on May 7th 2003, 01:32:26 wrote
Bj about soccer

on Jul 31st 2005, 12:42:09 wrote
Stefan Zisoff about soccer

on Jul 27th 2003, 00:13:08 wrote
Wenkman about soccer

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Soccer«

Jared Sommers wrote on May 4th 2003, 09:53:47 about


Rating: 5 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

The sport known as Soccer is commonly stereo-typed as a sport for »wusses« in North America, amazingly this misconception is almost completely limtied to that region of the world. The people of any other area in the world view soccer in a similar manner as North Americans view Football (American) and Hockey.

Some random keywords

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Created on Mar 27th 2005, 16:52:41 by j, contains 3 texts

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Some random keywords in the german Blaster

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Created on Oct 27th 2004, 10:13:25 by wauz, contains 5 texts

Created on Jan 9th 2003, 12:35:34 by Geraldine, contains 12 texts

Created on Jul 18th 2024, 14:36:27 by Etienne, contains 8 texts

Created on May 7th 2005, 00:03:38 by Duracell, contains 5 texts

Created on Dec 18th 2024, 07:07:48 by schmidt, contains 2 texts

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