Amount of texts to »squirrel« 12, and there are 9 texts (75.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 116 Characters
Average Rating 2.000 points, 2 Not rated texts
First text on Dec 23rd 2001, 20:50:50 wrote
[das flederwiesel] about squirrel
Latest text on Sep 20th 2005, 12:45:48 wrote
holly about squirrel
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 2)

on Dec 23rd 2001, 20:50:50 wrote
[das flederwiesel] about squirrel

on Mar 2nd 2005, 19:12:34 wrote
mac about squirrel

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Squirrel«

Eoin wrote on Dec 26th 2003, 13:07:56 about


Rating: 13 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I once chased a squirrel across a park. I'd just had an argument with my girlfriend. It made her laugh and we both felt better for a few minutes.

johnny hawk wrote on Mar 2nd 2002, 14:36:41 about


Rating: 12 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

nuts. they hide them from themselves. in deep soil, fertile with gods rain.

whatevernext96 wrote on Feb 9th 2002, 14:16:35 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Have we, in the UK, ever been invaded by America (apart from a spot of jokey »over paid, over sexed and over here« in World War II)? But think again – our natural landscape was ravaged (and still is) when the aggressive grey American squirrel took over all but a few of the remotest forest tracts in Scotland from our much more attractive – but alas timid and into conflict avoidance – red squirrel!

elinor wrote on Apr 7th 2002, 00:38:20 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

A squirrel bounded aross the road in front of our car. »What could he possibly need in that patch of woods across the road that he can't get from the patch of woods on the other side of the road?« asked my mom.
»Maybe he just has the urge to roam,« I said. »He's a BULL SQUIRREL

Some random keywords

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Created on May 24th 2003, 17:55:04 by Thorwald Redlefzen, contains 33 texts

Created on Nov 1st 2001, 21:45:00 by harrison, contains 4 texts

Created on May 21st 2007, 21:58:22 by Janina, contains 1 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jan 2nd 2002, 11:43:16 by Duckman, contains 55 texts

Created on Jun 25th 2002, 01:23:58 by Mechanical Boy (müde), contains 27 texts

Created on Jan 30th 2001, 13:54:01 by Tanna, contains 24 texts

Created on Aug 26th 2007, 06:29:02 by Joo, contains 7 texts

Created on Sep 17th 2002, 18:04:54 by elfboi, contains 16 texts

Created on Jul 7th 2004, 01:49:47 by mcnep, contains 15 texts

Created on May 29th 2000, 16:53:39 by lemma, contains 10 texts

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