Amount of texts to »vampire« 27, and there are 26 texts (96.30%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 329 Characters
Average Rating 1.111 points, 11 Not rated texts
First text on Aug 24th 2000, 21:36:57 wrote
Grmbl about vampire
Latest text on Feb 12th 2015, 15:05:58 wrote
Tom about vampire
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 11)

on Jan 26th 2001, 23:46:42 wrote
Phoebe Katz about vampire

on Mar 6th 2008, 05:44:52 wrote
T about vampire

on May 7th 2001, 14:00:04 wrote
Donnie Pi about vampire

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Vampire«

lilly vellisilly wrote on Mar 3rd 2007, 16:29:05 about


Rating: 5 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

vampires do exist. the type of vampire that exists in the real world lives on life energy. mostly people don't even realize they are getting sucked dry.

Grmbl wrote on Aug 24th 2000, 21:44:15 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

When first I tasted the flesh of the kill
felt the tang of the blood
and the crunch of the bones
I swore that day I would not die

When first I tasted the light of the moon
felt its glow in my womb
and its wild tenderness
I swore that day to walk in night


The Oath of Lilith,
Revelations of the Dark Mother

Silberfinger wrote on Dec 31st 2000, 18:47:01 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually


I want your blood.
I feed on the blood of others.
That's how I stay youthful and alive.
Believe in angels?
Then believe in vampires.
Believe in me.
There are worse things on earth.

Some random keywords

Created on Mar 11th 2001, 01:18:36 by the old pirate, contains 14 texts

Created on Jan 8th 2002, 12:26:08 by Sunshine, contains 11 texts

Created on Mar 9th 2001, 06:53:40 by Josef, contains 11 texts

Created on Feb 19th 2005, 15:43:38 by bun, contains 4 texts

Created on Feb 9th 2001, 23:00:07 by lil monkey, contains 7 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Nov 30th 2012, 03:32:41 by hen, contains 10 texts

Created on May 8th 2000, 15:10:51 by Tanna, contains 21 texts

Created on Dec 23rd 2007, 22:35:15 by platypus, contains 3 texts

Created on Feb 23rd 2011, 14:32:31 by Pferdschaf, contains 2 texts

Created on Apr 9th 2014, 15:56:00 by fetter willenloser Zombiedad, contains 2 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0181 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!