Amount of texts to »Lolita« 12, and there are 12 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 86 Characters
Average Rating 0.417 points, 4 Not rated texts
First text on Oct 19th 2001, 08:45:24 wrote
wigbomb about Lolita
Latest text on Aug 20th 2009, 13:49:05 wrote
Joo about Lolita
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 4)

on Apr 19th 2005, 01:39:28 wrote
about Lolita

on Apr 19th 2005, 01:40:11 wrote
d about Lolita

on Sep 24th 2006, 23:21:08 wrote
tub farter about Lolita

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Lolita«

ccccccc wrote on Jul 2nd 2002, 23:39:09 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

no longer 5'2", no longer 13, no longer 90lbs, Lolita calmly rejected Humbert, he asked her something i cant remember exactly,
»Did I ruin your ability to loveor something like that...
she smiled...»no you were my Dad.«
then admitted that during that time...»you ruined my life«

Charrolita wrote on Oct 19th 2001, 15:35:11 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

suspender flies into crow
sailing up seam
melting into her downtown
under milk pans.

wigbomb wrote on Oct 19th 2001, 08:45:24 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Mr. P knows Lolita personally. They have coffee every Sunday. Mice run up his pantleg. He'd like to suggest changing places but chivalry stops him. And his hope that she might attempt a more radical solution.

Some random keywords

Created on Sep 3rd 2006, 04:05:40 by scarlet, contains 3 texts

Created on Jan 13th 2007, 10:58:56 by ugly duckling, contains 3 texts

Created on Feb 1st 2002, 15:45:27 by Ken Goodwin, contains 5 texts

Created on Sep 13th 2002, 00:03:29 by wooly, contains 1 texts

Created on Mar 13th 2003, 05:51:39 by Daniel Arnold, contains 11 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Sep 6th 2005, 17:34:13 by Ich, contains 14 texts

Created on Mar 30th 2007, 00:26:07 by Yannick, contains 13 texts

Created on Apr 24th 2005, 03:49:32 by mcnep, contains 7 texts

Created on Feb 21st 2003, 20:49:03 by hermann, contains 7 texts

Created on Jan 20th 2000, 00:12:35 by sehr schade, contains 118 texts

Created on May 10th 2005, 10:56:22 by broempfftoenk, contains 7 texts

Created on Nov 9th 2008, 22:06:03 by Honigbiene, contains 1 texts

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