Amount of texts to »bring« 5, and there are 5 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 173 Characters
Average Rating 3.800 points, 1 Not rated texts
First text on Apr 16th 2002, 23:17:24 wrote
Daniel Arnold about bring
Latest text on Dec 11th 2002, 05:37:10 wrote
Willow about bring
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 1)

on Dec 11th 2002, 05:37:10 wrote
Willow about bring

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Bring«

crystal wrote on Oct 26th 2002, 07:24:28 about


Rating: 4 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

we are what we bring, what we bring to the world if you bring hate you are hate. if we bring joy we are joy.

undercover wrote on Nov 30th 2002, 15:21:34 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

The attempt to bring down a passenger jet in Kenya has exposed a new terrorism danger.

Daniel Arnold wrote on Apr 16th 2002, 23:17:24 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Come sing a song of joy for peace shall come, my brother Sing sing a song of joy for men shall love each other That day will dawn just as sure as hearts that are pure Are hearts set free No man must stand alone with hands held out before him Reach out and take them in yours with love that endures for evermore Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding Come sing a song of joy of freedom tell the story Sing sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory One mighty voice that will bring a song that will ring for evermore Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding.

Some random keywords

Created on Dec 13th 2002, 20:56:51 by elfboi, contains 8 texts

Created on Feb 6th 2001, 23:24:23 by tim, contains 21 texts

Created on Mar 31st 2001, 06:58:37 by space happy, contains 74 texts

Created on Jan 10th 2004, 18:42:13 by venus, contains 4 texts

Created on Nov 4th 2001, 05:16:36 by an elf, contains 8 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on May 25th 1999, 21:54:45 by Guido, contains 19 texts

Created on Aug 31st 2002, 05:04:19 by Dr.Schreck, contains 9 texts

Created on May 25th 2001, 22:35:43 by SMW, contains 276 texts

Created on Aug 5th 2005, 21:48:34 by Das Gift, contains 30 texts

Created on Oct 3rd 2000, 14:43:34 by Dragan, contains 15 texts

Created on Apr 1st 2016, 10:42:35 by A.L, contains 58 texts

Created on Oct 25th 2000, 00:01:27 by Liamara, contains 20 texts

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