Amount of texts to »let« 4, and there are 4 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 178 Characters
Average Rating 14.000 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Jul 24th 2007, 23:51:42 wrote
Gretchen about let
Latest text on Oct 24th 2018, 04:31:41 wrote
BatterBob about let
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0)

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Let«

Iola wrote on Jul 25th 2007, 00:51:02 about


Rating: 22 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

>>Let me tell you a story.<<

It's quiet and eerie, watching the flood waters rise up from the river. There's been no rain here-abouts for a couple of days, but up river, up north, the rain has been falling.

I suppose there is sound with that rain, north where it is falling. But here, it is silent, the rain only appearing in the colors on the television weather map, only rising in the waters now crossing the fields and approaching our house.

Some random keywords

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Created on Feb 17th 2004, 01:55:05 by rkcba, contains 8 texts

Created on Sep 8th 2000, 01:28:42 by jassee, contains 8 texts

Created on Jan 3rd 2002, 23:23:12 by richard45, contains 3 texts

Created on Jan 6th 2003, 09:00:05 by iconoclast, contains 5 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Sep 6th 2008, 15:13:00 by Nova_Corbeia, contains 21 texts

Created on Oct 2nd 1999, 18:05:01 by Rosine, contains 53 texts

Created on Oct 2nd 2017, 14:53:46 by ich sagte voilà! und, contains 8 texts

Created on Mar 2nd 2013, 10:35:57 by Henry, contains 17 texts

Created on Jul 3rd 2002, 19:34:57 by Jens, contains 45 texts

Created on Apr 12th 2010, 23:32:58 by Baumhaus, contains 4 texts

Created on Jul 7th 2005, 17:21:55 by myname, contains 7 texts

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