Amount of texts to »procedure« 11, and there are 7 texts (63.64%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 173 Characters
Average Rating 0.455 points, 3 Not rated texts
First text on Feb 5th 2002, 22:13:54 wrote
procedure_rew about procedure
Latest text on Jun 5th 2008, 16:19:45 wrote
Sandro Kafoon about procedure
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 3)

on Aug 21st 2006, 23:24:44 wrote
ginea about procedure

on Aug 21st 2006, 23:21:50 wrote
ginea about procedure

on Aug 21st 2006, 23:26:06 wrote
ginea about procedure

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Procedure«

procedure_rew wrote on Feb 5th 2002, 22:13:54 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

you go back and forth and never find a solution. there is no bhudda here – he is there.

Sandro Kafoon wrote on Jun 5th 2008, 16:19:45 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Hansen's Procedure (as outlined in »The Tastely Harding Moldocurist's Manual & Factbook«, Albertville 1954) has been known to generate such wildly differing results depending on the solar »drag« coefficient (calculated every 15 seconds at the Mount Effinscab Observatory in Banfoodra, R. of Z.), that I asked Stanley (who had been dispatched from the Assumptra office in July, and already had a fair understanding of the non-classified aspects of the operation) to manually introduce rogue phonisms (we had 17 STDs – with buna gaskets – of spent phonisms left over from the failed Carver Procedure) at the rate of five parts per million, or one every 23.0717 seconds, in order to calibrate the centripedal Doing Factor produced when the solar activity was observed at an ebb.

Ben wrote on Feb 6th 2002, 21:04:06 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

The same procedure than last jear mrs. Sophie?
The same procedure than evrey jear James...

Some random keywords

Created on Jul 3rd 2001, 14:25:39 by bluenose, contains 6 texts

Created on Jun 18th 2002, 20:00:08 by elfboi, contains 9 texts

Created on Nov 12th 2001, 20:05:34 by reznicek111, contains 4 texts

Created on Apr 17th 2000, 23:05:09 by ene, contains 8 texts

Created on Apr 14th 2000, 05:01:17 by Gary, contains 37 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Feb 11th 2007, 00:04:52 by, contains 11 texts

Created on May 28th 2000, 01:46:37 by [k]ona, contains 87 texts

Created on Mar 21st 2003, 23:59:12 by DISCOnected, contains 8 texts

Created on Jul 26th 2008, 21:24:05 by orschel, contains 2 texts

Created on Jun 16th 2002, 22:55:19 by susi, contains 10 texts

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