Amount of texts to »word« |
156, and there are 141 texts (90.38%)
with a rating above the adjusted level
(-3) |
Average lenght of texts
127 Characters |
Average Rating |
9.000 points, 0 Not rated texts |
First text |
on Apr 12th 2000, 06:47:58 wrote julianne
about word |
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on Dec 2nd 2014, 10:43:04 wrote Salman
about word |
Some texts that have not been rated at all
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Random associativity, rated above-average positively
Texts to »Word«
Latinist wrote on Jan 7th 2005, 22:36:23 about
Rating: 12 point(s) |
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The >>Word of the Day<< today over at is >>oblation<<.
>>Oblation<< comes from the past participle form of the Latin verb* >>offerre<< meaning >>to bring<<.
So, an oblation is an offering or a gift.
* A Latin verb is traditionally cited by giving four forms, in this case: offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatum.
Aunt Mabel wrote on Mar 21st 2001, 17:52:05 about
Rating: 30 point(s) |
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Words beginning with the »sn« sound in English are often unpleasant: snide, snob, snigger, sneer, snicker, snub, snert, snotty, snippy, snit, snarl, snore, sneak, snag. »Snow« is a word over which there is debate and even an annual change of heart. The first snowfall is almost always welcomed. Christmas snow is considered magical. But too much of a good thing for too long and March blizzards push »snow« into line with the rest of the »sn« words.
Joe wrote on Aug 17th 2004, 09:22:34 about
Rating: 20 point(s) |
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The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.
(Mark Twain)
space happy wrote on Mar 30th 2001, 23:37:09 about
Rating: 20 point(s) |
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Spaces define which letters to together to make up a word.
domandologo wrote on Jun 15th 2005, 19:47:45 about
Rating: 20 point(s) |
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Words derive their meaning from the surrounding words, just as human beings derive their meaning from interacting with other humans around them.
ben trovato wrote on Apr 6th 2004, 16:02:39 about
Rating: 18 point(s) |
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mortar my words
with particles
and conjunctions
The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens wrote on Aug 11th 2004, 09:11:14 about
Rating: 58 point(s) |
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'Right again, quite right,' said Mr Swiveller, 'caution is the word, and caution is the act.'
quotidian wrote on Apr 3rd 2001, 20:00:32 about
Rating: 21 point(s) |
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We shall never understand one another until we reduce the language to seven words.
Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)
Sand and Foam [1926]
tomato jersey wrote on Apr 19th 2001, 09:49:05 about
Rating: 20 point(s) |
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We had words. Each and every evening.
Sometimes, when he stopped for beer after work, we had dishes and pots and food, too.
Quorpencetta. wrote on Feb 19th 2001, 00:39:51 about
Rating: 13 point(s) |
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A word has the power to define, to bind, to create, to destroy. Truely, a poet has power undreamt of by kings.
Nashota Jordan wrote on Mar 22nd 2001, 02:12:48 about
Rating: 19 point(s) |
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on Mar 22nd 2001, 02:07:31, Natasha Jordan wrote the following about
Think how much acceptance Mary showed when she said:
»Let it be done to me according to thy word.«
And how much courage.
olim wrote on Mar 21st 2001, 08:27:14 about
Rating: 20 point(s) |
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Have you ever noticed that the only difference between »word« and »weird« are the vowels?
watchfob wrote on Apr 8th 2001, 03:48:24 about
Rating: 20 point(s) |
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The best way to discover new words is by reading a book.
Emmeline wrote on Jun 14th 2001, 08:44:11 about
Rating: 20 point(s) |
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There is a purity in words that cannot be sullied by their use.
Some random keywords |
Created on May 24th 2000, 21:23:23 by Groggy groove, contains 47 texts
Created on Nov 19th 2004, 09:59:26 by pmg, contains 4 texts
Created on Jun 12th 2001, 22:23:42 by DarkFaerie, contains 6 texts
Created on May 8th 2002, 19:39:13 by gorilla, contains 3 texts
Created on Aug 3rd 2004, 22:43:30 by Weird Al Spankabitch, contains 29 texts
Some random keywords in the german Blaster |
Created on Apr 24th 2002, 06:41:31 by Dortessa, contains 11 texts
Created on Mar 16th 2001, 13:08:56 by neo fausuto/PIA, contains 14 texts
Created on Nov 14th 2002, 01:32:48 by V.V., contains 56 texts
Created on May 10th 2003, 12:08:46 by mcnep, contains 11 texts
Created on Feb 16th 2005, 00:42:13 by toschibar, contains 8 texts
Created on Jan 5th 2003, 01:47:30 by voice recorder, contains 9 texts
Created on Jul 9th 2000, 12:08:35 by pixlfuxa, contains 17 texts