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Texts to »Encyclopedia«
gladiola marie wrote on Apr 16th 2001, 09:15:16 about
Rating: 20 point(s) |
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Most grocery stores here have dishes for special promotions. I bought a china dinner plate and a cup and saucer set when I moved here last August. That plate is white with green ivy leaves around the edge. Then, when it was early December and my mother was taking the bus up for a weekend visit, I bought another dinner plate and a mug. That pattern has small pine branches, mainly needles with a few pine cones nestled close. At least all the dishes are white with green decoration. I splurged and bought a red candle, one of those pillar ones, that smelled like spices when it burned. That was our centerpiece.
When I was nine, the grocery store down the block did something different. One Saturday Mom brought home the first two volumes of an encyclopedia. The first was only ninety-nine cents but the second was $3.99. After that, she bought a volume when she could, but we never did get the full set.
anagnoresis wrote on Jun 22nd 2000, 21:10:57 about
Rating: 8 point(s) |
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And we wish it could hold everything, don't we? Obsessively we categorize, alphabetize, simplify, sqooshing the juicy funny awkward dripping parts of life into dark printed digital squiggles on the proverbial page. Some people know how to read encyclopedias backwards, so that every entry is a question.
Some random keywords |
Created on Aug 11th 2004, 05:16:26 by briery, contains 4 texts
Created on Dec 31st 2002, 04:51:26 by [das flederwiesel]™, contains 8 texts
Created on Aug 14th 2001, 03:22:47 by highlander, contains 3 texts
Created on Sep 12th 2001, 18:55:42 by mallorca, contains 14 texts
Created on May 31st 2002, 18:00:03 by ames, contains 4 texts
Some random keywords in the german Blaster |
Created on Feb 13th 2003, 00:18:53 by ARD-Ratgeber, contains 12 texts
Created on Oct 25th 2000, 16:20:28 by the-pulse, contains 30 texts
Created on Jan 16th 2003, 15:35:07 by ..., contains 17 texts
Created on Mar 23rd 2000, 22:24:50 by Würgo, contains 24 texts
Created on Oct 16th 2000, 18:41:05 by Seveso, contains 89 texts
Created on May 2nd 2003, 14:23:01 by Wörteransammlung, contains 10 texts
Created on Dec 29th 1999, 01:27:03 by Dara, contains 195 texts