Amount of texts to »maverick« 7, and there are 7 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 161 Characters
Average Rating 8.429 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Feb 21st 2001, 07:56:04 wrote
ETree about maverick
Latest text on Dec 22nd 2005, 17:08:00 wrote
Snaip about maverick
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0)

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Maverick«

ETree wrote on Feb 21st 2001, 07:56:04 about


Rating: 20 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

A maverick was originally an unbranded calf, separated from its mother and lost.

Today, it may refer to an individual who does not run with the herd, but follows his own instincts.

[Word from Samuel A. Maverick (1803-70), a Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle.]

the old pirate wrote on Mar 20th 2001, 00:39:03 about


Rating: 15 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Hmmm...are you old enough to remember Bret, Bart and Beau Maverick?

And can you remember who played them on tv...?

I tip my stetson to you, if you can.

Some random keywords

Created on Mar 30th 2002, 11:32:01 by Orpheus, contains 6 texts

Created on Oct 1st 2001, 08:20:49 by Ariel, contains 5 texts

Created on Apr 13th 2000, 18:19:21 by Groggy groove, contains 62 texts

Created on Jun 14th 2001, 11:15:18 by Aunt Mabel, contains 12 texts

Created on Mar 15th 2003, 07:39:59 by venus, contains 2 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Apr 14th 2002, 01:09:20 by, contains 6 texts

Created on Oct 26th 2000, 11:43:29 by Jean-Paul, contains 20 texts

Created on Aug 24th 2002, 20:02:31 by humdinger, contains 8 texts

Created on Dec 14th 2001, 19:57:54 by Barnabas, contains 12 texts

Created on Dec 7th 2002, 02:11:32 by MechanicalBoy, die Königin des Eiszeitalters, contains 10 texts

Created on Jan 29th 2016, 11:07:05 by Pro Asyl, contains 11 texts

Created on Mar 3rd 2004, 13:19:04 by biggi, contains 34 texts

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